France – North west
I come from the western part of France, close to Nantes and the atlantic ocean where I grew up.
The western part of France is divided in different regions and you have so many wonderful things to visit.
I will try to summarize it in one article.
- Nantes: Biggest city, I am not a huge fan of Nantes. It’s alright, but it is maybe because I am used to it. You have to visit:
Centre/Place Graslin/Chateau des ducs de bretagne: take a walk in the center and you will discover so many beautiful things!
L’ile de Nantes (by night it is so much better): it’s an rea with many nices cafés/bars to visit! I would recommend to go in the summer and take a beer at “la cantine du voyage” it is a really really cool place!
Les machines de l’ile: A GIANT elephant that is walking, it is really interesting > https://www.lesmachines-nantes.fr/
- La baule/Saint Nazaire/Guérande/La côte sauvage
This is really where I come from, I grew up there! It is so beautiful, it is in front of the oceans, you have so many beautifuls walks to do!
Go discover “Les salines du guérande” it is where they produce “le sel de guerande” (salt famous in France). Guerande is also a medieval city, it is pretty cool to have a look at the center!
La baule is pretty touristic, go to the beach and to the casino for a night!
In St Nazaire, you may discover the harbor with all the boats! We have a big construction harbor for cruises boat, so it is pretty impressive! (the queen mary was built there)
“La côte sauvage” is all the cities near by the sea, take a car and do a daily trip to visit it! It is so cozy, especially in the summer but it is also really touristic.
- Rennes
It is about 1h30 to drive there from Nantes or La baule, it is another big city, much more beautiful than Nantes according to me. It has some history and so beautiful buildings. Go to the city center and walk there, you will discover so many nice things!
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